Good furniture isn’t cheap! Durable furniture will last for years if properly cared for, this is why we are giving you some great, yet very simple tips on how to keep your wooden furniture nice and clean for a really long time.
Dusting and shining your wood furniture regularly is great, but over time those polishes and dust combine to leave a dark film on tables, chairs and shelves.
Just like going to the spa every once in a while, to keep your furniture looking its best, you need to do a periodic deep cleaning also.
Here are some tips on how to clean wood furniture without damaging its finish:
Dust the furniture
Start with your basic dusting of your furniture with soft cloth to remove surface dirt.
Remove Old Polish
Knowing how to clean old wood furniture that has decades’ old buildup of polish will help you revitalize it. To remove old polish, follow these simple steps:
- Steep two tea bags in boiling water
- Let the tea cool to room temperature
- Take a soft cloth, wring it out in the tea until it’s damp and wash the wood.
The tannic acid from the tea is wonderful for maintaining wood. You’ll be surprised at how the wood will shine.
Remove Water Stains
There’s always that one friend of family member who’s at war with coasters. Here’s how to remove those water rings they have succeeded in creating on your favourite table.
- Put some non-gel toothpaste on the spot and
- Rub with a soft cloth till the stain is lifted.
For stubborn stains,
- Mix equal parts baking soda and toothpaste
- Wipe the toothpaste off with a clean damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
Erase Difficult Marks
Kids will always be kids, so here’s a simple way to deal with all those ink marks they’ve left behind.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of water into a thin paste.
- Apply to the stain
- Rub gently with a soft cloth until the stain disappears
- Wipe the toothpaste off with a clean damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
Once your furniture is clean, wipe a layer of wood polish on it to preserve the finish and add shine.
You can also make a simple polish by mixing 1 cup of olive oil with 1/4 cup white vinegar. Pour it on a soft cloth and work it into the wood, wiping with the grain.